ON SPRING CREEK, DENT CO.This was copied from "Ozark Heritage Dent County Missouri Area Cemeteries & Families" Vol III 1994 by Ken Fiebelman of Salem, MO. Reprinted with the permission of Ken Fiebelman on behalf of the Dent County Historical Society
Submitted by
Kathy Welch Heidel
BELL, DAVID W. 8/3/1897, Altoona PA - 7/1/1980, Sullivan, s/o Harry & Elizabeth (Garlock); m. Clemmy Pidcock of Dent Co., 4/27/1935, Waterloo, IL; one grandson, Ervin Darling; to St. Louis as a child & lived until 1962 then to Sullivan; Clemmy m. Kinder
BUTLER, CYNTHIA LUCINDA, 2/22/1842 - 5/29/1870, Dent Co., d/o Willis & Elizabeth Johns Craddock --Craddock family moved to what is now Dent Co. 1834; m. Elijah Taylor Butler, 11/5/1863, Dent Co., 4 ch.: Elijah B. (11/30/1864 - 7/6/1865), Willie G. (8/25/1866 - 3/4/1868), Mary Atlanta (b. 5/20/1870, m. J. William Bohannon, 1890, Dent Co., bur. Cedat Grobe Cem.) & G. D. (twins); later E. T. married Rhoda J. Ware, 12/3/1870, ch.: Elizabeth M. (b. 8/20/1871, d. age 12), Julia Ann 10/20/1872 - 7/26/1955, m. James Galloway)., Charlie Henry (m. Mary Swicegood), Mattie (Mrs. Rev. Grank P. MacAtee, 1908), John Arthur (single, fur. Wagoner Cem.), Anvil Lee (d.8/11/1933, Oklahoma City OK, m. Bessie Westing), Lulu May (m Dick Johnson, 1900); Elijah T., b. 1/22/1837, Sumner Co. TN - d. 3/15/1900, Dent Co., s/o James & Matilda Bell Butler; Rhoda J. Ware Butler (2nd wife), b. 2/1/1848 - d. 11/1900
BUTLER, MARTHA JANE, 1840 - 11/2/1875, d/o Willis & Elizabeth (Johns) Craddock; m. 1860, Dent Co., James Berry Butler (s/o James & Matilda Bell butler, b. 2/22/1839, TN - d/ 3/10/1901, Zongwell, Garfield Co. OK), ch.: John F., Omer George, Nary Frances "Fanny" (single d. 1926, Los Angeles CA); J. B. 2nd m. Josephine Street, 3rd m. Belle Holt, 8/1/1881, Dent Co., ch.: Walter, Tony & James
BUTLER, JOSEPHINE 2nd w/o James Berry 1856 - 7/12/1880 nee Street; m. 1876, no children
BUTLER, JULIA 1846 - 1880, d/o Willis & Elizabeth Johns Craddock; m. William Washington Butler (s/o James & Matilda), 1867, Dent Co., ch.: J. Harve & Cora (Mrs. J. W. Bailey, Charles Washington (m. Harriet Jane Counts) bur. Roberts Cem. - Sligo; W. W. 2nd m. Ellen -- both bur. Wagoner Cem.
COLLIER, IDA B.;D. 2/27/1871, aged 8 yrs. (?or Gollier)
COOLEY, JOHN WAYMAN 2/5/1881, Dent Co. - 7/17/1964, s/o John S. & Sarah Jane nee Welch (bur. Round Pond Cem.); m. Mary E. Gibbs, 4/4/1904, 4ch.: Delmond L., Melvin H., Murna (Mrs Robert Runner), & Inf son; entire life spent Dent Co., farmer
COOLEY, MARY ELIZABETH "LIZZIE" w/o John W.; 9/2/1883 - 9/30/1910 d/o Joshua H. & Dicie Gibbs
COOLEY, INFANT s/o John W. & Mary E.
CRADDOCK, WILLIS, c1798 - 1868 MO, s/o John Hill & Sarah Elizabeth nee Bartlett who moved from VAto KY --bur. Cub Run Creek, Mumfordville, Hart Co. KY--unmarked graves--several of his children moved to Dent Co. c1830's getting land patents; Willis m. c1820, Hart Co. KY, Elizabeth Johns, ch.: Mary Caroline (b. 1832, Hart Co. KY - d. 1867, m. Ezekiel East, 3/1/1849 --he b. 1832-- d. 1871), George, Nancy (m. Josiah Poindexter), Lucinda B. (m. Elijah Taylor Butler). Julia (m. W. W. Butler), Martha Jane (m. James Barry Butler), Sarah Anna (b. 1828 Hart Co. KY - d. OK, m. Moses Calvin Hardison, 9/6/1846, Crawford Co. he b. 1822, TN), William C. (b. 1839), James (b. 1841); bro. to: Elizabeth (bur. Johns Cem., m. Elijah Johns), Nancy (m. Anderson Johns), James (m. Nancy Gardner), William Bascom ( m. Anna Gardner), Jesse (m. Drucilla Earles), John (m. Mary Johnson). Wiley (bur. Craddock plot, Maples Community), Ransom (to CA during Gold Rush, m. Missouri Smiley, 12/15/1838, Crawford Co.); to Dent Co. 1838 & homesteaded land 3 miles N. of Salem on Spring Creek later known as Tune place; Welsh descent; Methodist
CRADDOCK, ELIZABETH w/o Willis c 1806 VA - c1870, d/o ? Andrew Johns
DUGAN, NANCY L. w/o Daniel (b. c1806, TN), d/o Robert Leonard (bur. Wagoner Cem.); b.c1812 NC; m. 1/6/1839, Crawford Co. MO, ch.: Robert L., William T. (b.c1831 MO, bur Cedar Grove Cem.), Joseph (d. 1857, age 3, bur. Wagoner Cem.), Wesley (d. Columbus, KS ---lived Hideout community, Dent Co.), Miles, Martin, Esther, Fanny, Daniel Jr.
DUGAN, ROBERT L, 8/24/1847 - 7/11/1915, s/o Daniel & Nancy nee Leonard; m. Christina E. Motsinger, 1/27/1870, Dent Co., ch.: John William (bur. Lucas Cem.), Felix, Zella, Clara Moellien (Granite City, IL), Cora Nemeyer, Everett George, Charley, Rudelf Louis; Irish descent to Dent Co. from NC, live Taledago, Dent Co.
DUGAN, CHRISTINA ELIZABETH, w/o R. L. 7/7/1854, IN - 9/10/1925, St. Louis, d/o Levi & Sarah Coston Motsinger
DUGAN, FELIX s/o Robert & Christina; d. 1/12/1882, aged 3 days DUGAN, ZELLA d/o Robert & Christina; d 1893
DUGAN, ALBERT s/o D.W. & S.E. 1872
DUGAN, W.J. 1892
?FITZGERALD, FARMION; father of Frank, Dicie (Mrs. Joshua H. Gibbs), Mary B. (Mrs. John Tune), Peter L., Lee, 3 more sons
FITZGERALD, FRANCIS "FRANK" MARION 10/24/1866 - 4/22/1940, home near Anutt, s/o Farmion; m. Dora F. Bailey, 5/22/1892, Dent Co., (by J. W. Hobson J.P.), 9 ch.: 3 d. inf., Ernest H., Archie V., Lemont, Seth, Edith (Mrs. Edward L. Hobson), Dollie (Mrs. Craig Hobson)
FITZGERALD, DORA F. w/o Francis M. 12/24/1870 - 1/22/1927, d/o Hezekaiah C. & Eliza J. Brown Bailey (bur. Blackwell Cem.); united with the Methodist church, 1904
FITZGERALD, ERNEST HEZEKIAH 6/9/1908, Fremont - 1/25/1965 Dent Co., s/o F. M. & Dora; m. Maggie Viola Potter of Dent Co., 12/5/1936, 5 ch.: Hamilton (m. Mary Ann Dittmeyer), Henry (m. Sarah Keeney), Lawrence "Larry", Mary (m. albert Willis, m. Joseph Stacks), & Edith d. inf.
FITZGERALD, EDITH ANN, inf d/o Ernest & Maggie V. 3/30/1954, home near Lennox
FITZGERALD, PETER LOUIS, 12/7/1875, Gasconade Co. - 5/2/1931, home near Salem, s/o Farmion
FITZGERALD, LEE MONT, 6/18/1897, Montauk - 10/15/1985, Poplar Bluff, s/o Frank & Dora; m. sylvia M. Garrison (b. 2/28/1912), 8/1/1936, Pocohantas AR, 11 ch.: Max, Lula Black Miles, James, Leslie, Jerry, Ellen Wells, Helen Huffman, Clara McDonald, Marion, Leonard, Jim, Robert, & Glenn (step-son); lived Doniphan last 21 years; Baptist
FITZGERALD, GLENN L. 1/8/1935, Des Plains AR - 9/12/1951 near Anutt by falling tree, s/o Sylvia Fitzgerald, step-son of Lee
FITZGERALD, DOLLIE N. twin inf. 1/22/1945
FITZGERALD, NORMAN twin inf. 1/22/1945
FORREST, JAMES JOSEPH, d. 4/2/1905, 7pm.: m. Mary Collier, 1896, Dent Co. (by Rev. H.D. Bonebrake); left wife & ch.; member G.A.R.; mail carrier to Stone Hill
GIBBS, DICIE NATHAN, 1/16/1864 - 5/17/1946, d/o Farmion Fitzgerald; m. Joshua Harrison Gibbs, 10/16/1881, 8 ch.: Lee, Ella B., Mary E. (Mrs John W. Cooley), Charles, Richard (m. Bessie I. Gibbs--both bur. Edgar Cem.), Samuel, Unie, Della (Mrs. Elga Dee Howard); step-mother of : William R., Matt, & John; converted 1912
GIBBS, ELLIE. E, d/o Joshua H. & Dicie 1/27/1899 - 3/3/1917
GIBBS, INF.s/o Sam & Gertrude nee Barnes 11/25/1924
GIBBS, CHILD of Charles H. & Edith L.; age 8mos.; burned to death in home fire on Spring Creek, 5 miles N. of Salem; parents bur. Oak Hill Cem.- Kirkwood, other ch.: Loyal, Maybern, Leona Herman, Harrison , Paul, Leola Akers
GIBBS, PLEASANT UNIE, 3/22/1895, Dent Co. - 10/23/1985; m. Letha Martin, 11/5/1921, 3 sons: Farris I., James Forrest, & Harold; lifelong resident, Dent Co., attended Free Holiness Church
GIBBS, MARY DOREEN, 6/6/1929, Salem - 11/24/1967, St. Louis, d/o Clarence & Tilda Westerman Wines; 1m. Earl T. Myers, 2 sons, Gary & Thomas; m. Farris I Gibbs, 9/1947, 1 son, Clark
GIBBS, ROBIN CHERYL, 5/4/1963, Sullivan 10/3/1963, d/o Harold & Henrietta (who is d/o John W. Plank); sisto : James, Roger, Sandra, Rebecca
GIBBS, WILLIAM RANDOLPH, 8/22/1876, Dent Co., s/o Joshua A. (bur. Gibbs Cem.) & Cynthia Ann nee Leonard (bur. Wagoner Cem.); m. Martha E. Tune, 4/3/1898, 8 ch.: Raymond, Norma (Mrs. Raymond Plank), Ida (Mrs. John Barnicle), Rev. Glen, Walter (bur. North Lawn Cem.), Woodrow W. (c1915 - 3/24/1989, Sweet Home OR, m. Flossie I. Givvs, 5/27/1939, Salem, to OR 1962), & Vernon Lamar (1905 - 1973, m. Blackwell & m. Hazel Gray, bur. Kinder Cem. - Cuba); entire life spent Dent Co.; member Free Holiness Church, Salem
GIBBS, MARTHA EMMA w/o William R. 9/25/1875 - 4/17/1950, home Dent Co., d/o Samuel J. & Almeda Tune
GIBBS, WILLIAM RAYMOND & Earnest (bur. North Lawn Cem.); later Lola m. LeRoy Plank, 1 daul, Ruthene (m. Frankie Triplett); Roy & Lola Plank are bur. Cedar Grove Cem.; Raymond united with Baptist church, 1923
GIBBS, PEARL F. d/o Raymond & Lola 1/26/1926 - 8/12/1927
GIBBS, DELBERT GENE, s/o Raymond & Lola 1931 - 1944
?HUMPHREY, MRS.; mother of Sarah Coston Motsinger
HUTCHINSON, EUNICE PEARL, 4/25/1918 - 7/25/1919; mother is Ola Pidcock Hutchinson
MARTIN, REBECCA (GRANDMA) 2/26/1796, Knox Co. TN - 8/10/1859, Dent Co.; family to Dent Co, including grandson, Willliam Chester ( who m. Rachel Minerva Barnes, both bur Cedar Grove Cem.--his parents had d. in TN)
MARTIN, WILLIAM, 11/12/1811, TN - 10/2/1877; m. Mary Ann, ch.: Green B., Margaret J., George W., Mary Ann (Mrs. Benedict F. Plank), Amanda C. (Mrs. Lewis Martin); to MO, 1850
MARTIN, MARY "POLLY" ANN w/o William 11/2/1809, TN 7/12/1882
MARTIN, GREEN BERRY, 3/20/1832 - 2/25/1910, s/o William C. & Mary Martin
MARTIN, AMANDA CAROLINE, 6/21/1833, Roane Co. TN - 5/3/1873, d/o william C. & Mary A.; m. Lewis Martin, 8/29/1856 (b. 1825 - d. 1907, bur. Cedar Grove Cem.), Mate (Mrs. John VanLoon), James E., & 1 more dau.; later Lewis m. Mrs. Mary Hill (mother of Wallace Hill); to Dent Co. c1851; converted 1869; member Methodist Church, So.
MARTIN, JAMES E. s/o Lewis & Amanda C. 11/21/1867 on Spring Creek - 1/23/1899, shot on 1/20/1899 by Mary Armstrong (prostitute)--survived by 3 sis
MARTIN, GEORGE WASHINGTON, 3/19/1844, TN - 4/2/1914, s/o William & Mary A.; m. Fannie Turley, 9/12/1869, ch.: Earlie G., William T., Leslie (m. Esther Chambers & Lula M. Beaver, bur. Cedar Grove Cem.), Lewis W. (m. Grace E. Condray, bur. Cedar Grove Cem.), Mattie E. (Mrs. J. Edward Chambers)--bur. Blackwell Cem, Sadie Ann (Mrs Thomas Albert Smith), Cora Isabell (Mrs. Dan E. Hutson)--bur. Cooksey Cem., & Rebecca L. ( Mrs. Roy Plank); joined Methodist Church, 1869
MARTIN, FANNIE w/o G. W., nee Turley 1852 - 10/17/1914; sis to: Mrs. Alec Reeves (Sligo)
MARTIN, ESTHER M. 1st w/o Leslie F., nee Chambers 4/23/1893 - 9/10/1917
MARTIN, DORRIS d/o Leslie F. & Esther M. 10/14/1914 - 11/14/1914
MARTIN, WILLIAM THOMAS "SHORTY" 7/1/1870, Dent Co. - 6/4/1937 St. Louis, s/o George & Fannie; m. Louemma Musgvraves, 1893, Dent Co. (by Rev. S. E. Compton), ch: Ollie Ethel (Mrs Henry H. Etter)--bur. Cedar Grove Cem., Lola Frances Kellcher (San Jose CA), Bessie Edna (m. Donald D. Short, d. 12/31/1991, bur. St. Charles Mem. Gardens, St. Charles, MO), Norma Edith Els, Ernest Enoch (m. Hortense, d. 1970, bur. Bakersfield CA), William Frederick (to Redonda CA), Arthur L.; lived Dent Co., presently lived St. Louis
MARTIN, LOUEMMA "EMMA" w/o W.T. 2/8/1876 - 3/11/1912, d/o Enoch & Elizabeth Bressie Musgraves
MARTIN, ARTHUR LELAND, s/o W.T. & Lou Emma 11/8/1904, Sligo - 4/2/1976, Salem; Pvt. U.S. Army WW II; (single, lived with his aunt Sadie Smith)
MARTIN, EARLIE GREEN , 11/10/1872, Dent Co. - 8/6/1944, home, St. Louis, s/o George & Fannie; m. Etta Musgraves, 8/8/1895, Dent Co. (by M. R. Daugherty), 10 ch.: Elmer V., Edward, Ebert, William, Leatha (Mrs Unie Gibbs), Ethel (Mrs George Rimmel), Hazel Loos, Carl O., Lena E. & Inf son -- all ch. bur. Tune Cem. except Hazel who survives
MARTIN, CHARITY LIZETTA "ETTA", w/o E. G., 2/9/1871, Dent Co. - 1/18/1960 Ellisville, nee Musgraves, d/o Enoch & Elizabeth; lived Dent Co. & St. Louis
MARTIN, Inf. s/o Early G. & Charity L. 2/15/1895
MARTIN, LENA E. d/o Early G. & Charity L. 3/6/1899 -8/21/1900
MARTIN, CARL O. s/o Early G. & Charity L. 2/8/1907 - 2/5/1908
MARTIN, JAMES EBERT, s/o Early G. & Charity L. 2/2/1903, Dent Co. 3/25/1974, Sikeston; Pvt. U. S. Army
MARTIN, WILLIAM EMORY, s/o Early G. & Charity L. 4/10/1909, Dent Co. - 2/12/1977, Salem
MARTIN, ELMER VERNON 3/8/1901, Denty Co. - 1/22/1951, St. Louis, s/o Early G. & Charity L.; m. Mabel Hendricks (d/o John T. & Elizabeth Lynn Hendricks of Salem), 9/27/1919, 10 ch.: Virginia d. inf., Robert E., William, Lloyd, John, Dorothy, Norma Sieckman, Maxine Eckenfells, Helen Lograsso, & Ethel Salamone Kunkel; lived Dent Co., later St. Louis
MARTIN, VIRGINIA LOUISE, d/o Elmer V. & Mabel, 4/24/1923 - 2/5/1926 from diptheria, John T. Hendricks home near Anutt
MARTIN, GEORGE EDWARD, s/o Early G. & Charity L. 4/4/1897 - 5/27/1978, Salem; m. Deloris McDonald (d/o James E. & Edith Rhinehart McDonald), ch.: Vernon & Virginia d. inf., Clark (m. Natalie), George M. (m. Doris); m. Adeline
MARTIN, VERNON (Inf.) 1/21/1920, s/o George E.
MARTIN, VIRGINIA (Inf). 11/9/1915, d/o George E.
MOSES, MRS.; mother of twins, George W. & Elizabeth Weible; George W. m. Julia McDonald, lived Dent Co., bur. Cedar Grove Cem.; at death of George, the were believed to be oldest living twins in U. S.; from Iron Co. to Dent Co.
MOTSINGER, SARAH SWOFFORD, nee Coston; m. Levi Motsinger, Jackson Co. IN (d.1863, Civil War, Memphis TN), ch.; George O., Felix S., Christina E. (Mrs. Robert L. Dugan), Martha A. (Mrs. William Wilson), Margaret J. (m. George E. Motsinger-first cousin), Sarah C. Strictlin (m. Thomas J. Hasten, 1882, Dent Co.)--bur. Wagoner Cem.; Sarah m. John A. Swofford 4/2/1866, Dent Co., 1 dau. Phoebe b. (m. James Y. Bressie, 1886, Norman Twn., Dent Co..)-- to Oak Hill area, Texas Co.; Levi had 1st m. Matilda White, ch.: William G., Vandover, & Polla A.--probably stayed IN; Levi lived some in Phelps Co.
MOTSINGER, GEORGE O. 1852 - 1900, s/o Levi & Sarah (Coston)
MOTSINGER, FELIX S. 11/2/1859 - 12/6/1928, s/o Levi Sarah nee Coston, single; worked on area farms
MUSGRAVES, ENOCH 4/12/1844, Evansville IN - 2/22/1939, home of dau. Mrs Lee Talbert, s/o John & Martha who d. when he was young; m. Elizabeth Bressie, 5/10/1863 (Bressie home on Dry Fork), ch.: Nor May d. as child (bur. Blackwell Cem.), John D. (m. Tina Elmer)--both bur. Cedar Grove Cem., Stella (Mrs. Christopher C. Carty)--bur. Flint MI, Abraham (m. Kandas Anna Holl, bur. Blackwell Cem.), Mary Jane Reddick (bur. Neodesha KS), Victoria Cleve (Mrs. Lee Talbert)--bur. Cedar Grove Cem., Louemma (Mrs. W. T. Martin), & Etta (Mrs. Earlie G. Martin); to MO as youth & to Dent Co. 1861; he was last surviving Confederate Soldier, Civil War, Dent Co.
MUSGRAVES, ELIZABETH, w/o Enoch 9/14/1845 - 5/18/1914, d/o David Bressie (who d. Civil War) & Lucinda Sullivan Bressie (bur. Cedar Grove Cem.)--niece of Eaphraim & Yancy Bressie of Spring Creek
PIDCOCK, ADOLPH SHERIDAN, 2/29/1870 - 11/9/1946, s/o Ira B. & Mary H. nee Bouchard (bur. Morrison Cem.); m. Mary Jane Tune, 8/2/1891, Dent Co. (bu J. W. Hobson J.P.) 10 ch.: Hugh D., Ward W. Arthur, Iva (m. Grover O. Judd, bur. Stagner Cem.), Mae Sexton, Clemmie (m. David W. Bell, m. Kinder), Pearl Bogle, Eva A. ( 3/7/1906 - 3/25/1993, bur. Ozark Mem. Gardens, Rolla, m. Raime W. Julian, 6/2/1925, Rolla), Ethel (m. Glen Blackwell), & Ola Hutchison (1895 - 1992, bur. Park Cem.-Carthage, MO---mother of floyd, LaVerne McCoy, Louise Kell); Pidcock family came to Dent Co., 1882; converted 1909; employed as night engineer and Salem City Plant since 1929
PIDCOCK, MARY JANE, s/o Adolph S. 11/23/1870, Phelps Co. - 5/5/1948, home, Salem, d/o Samuel & Almeda Tune
PIDCOCK, ARTHUR s/o A. S. & Mary J. 5/2/1894 - 5/26/1910
?PLANK, BENEDICT C. 1803, Claibourn Co. TN - 1857, Short Bend, Dent Co., s/o Jerome Plank who is s/o Christian Pland who came to America from Germany, 1745; bro/ to : Hilton, Christian, John, ?William; m. Rachel Gollighorn in TN; m. Anna Grubb (bur. Plank Bank Cem. Deep Ford Community)
PLANK, BENEDICT FRANKLIN, 2/21/1849 on Lost Branch, 10 miles N. of Salem - 9/14/1933, home, Salem, s/o Benedict & Rachel (Gullihorn); m. Mary Ann Martin, 7/22/1865, Dent Co., 8ch.: 4 sons, 4 daus.: George F. (bur Round Pond Cem.), William G., John Riley, & Nancy Ellen (Mrs. John David Johnson)--all bur. Cedar Grove Cem., Louis Murtrey "Murt", Jane (Mrs. M. J. Sexton)--West Plains, MO, Alice (Mrs. James W. Hasten)--bur. New Hope Cem., & Annie; entire life spent Dent Co.; member United Christian Church
PLANK, MARY ANN w/o B. F. 6/28/1847, Roane Co, TN 6/26/1926, d/o William & Mary A. Martin; lived Dent Co. since c 1850; member Christian Church since early life
PLANK, LOUIS MURTREY "MURT", 8/16/1885, Dent Co. - 4/17/1942, s/o Benedict F. & Mary Ann; never married; Baptist
PLANK, MARY ANNIE, 5/30/1877 - 1/3/1958, Dent Co. - d/o Benedict F. & Mary Ann, single; entire life spent Dent Co.
PLANK, REBECCA LUCINDA, 1st w/o LeRoy 11/10/1889 - 6/5/1925, d/o George & Fannie Martin; nother of : Inf. Frances L., Pauline Eva (m. Carl M. Gibbs), Pearl Duckworth, Carl, Maxine Atkinson; Roy 2nd m. Lola Givvs nee Wright (both bur. Cedar Grove Cem.), parents of 1 dau. Ruthene (m. Frankie Triplett)
PLANK, FRANCES LORENE, Inf. d/o LeRoy & Rebecca
POINDEXTER, JOSIAH 1822, KY - 3/18/1866, Dent Co.; m. Nancy Craddock 9/8/1842, Crawford Co., ch.: Joseph (d. young), George (b. c1848), Robert F. (b. 3/31/1851), John B. (b.8/13/1853), Margaret A. (b.3/28/1856, m. John W. Martin, to ID), William A. (b.12/21/1859); Union Army Pvt. Co. D 10 MO Cav. Civil War
POINDEXTER, NANCY, w/o Joshua 1824, Hart Co. KY - c1870 d/o Willis & Elizabeth Johns Craddock
RIMMEL, ETHEL, d/o Early G. & Charity L. Martin 12/26/1910, Dent Co.- 8/17/1970, Rolla; m. George Rimmel (who d. 1957); much of her life was spent in St. Louis & recently returned to Dent Co.
ROWLAND, WISA ANN "LISA", 9/20/1966, Rolla - 2/16/1985, d/o Samuel Rowland & Ernest & Mary Ann Fitzgerald; granddau. of Ernest H. & Viola Fitzgerald, Gladys Stevens, & Mr. & Mrs. James Ditmeyer; sis to: Nancy & Judy Rowland, Heather & Tonya Fitzgerald; baptized at Rock Springs Baptist Church - Maples at early age; graduated from high school, Knob Noster MO; lived a time in Salem with Brenda Flatt family, attended Assembly of God
SMITH, ALBERT THOMAS, 4/15/1878 - 10/6/1946, s/o William T. & Serogarva "Sea" nee Hasten (bur. Wagoner Cem); m. Sadie A. Martin, 3/8/1908, 1 child d. inf.; joined United Baptist 1929
SMITH, SADIE ANN, w/o Albert 11/16/1879, Dent Co. - 7/12/1961, home N. of Salem, d/o George & Fannie Martin; member Salem First Baptist
STRICTLIN, JAMES; m. Polly Ann Winchester, 4/21/1866, Dent Co., ch.: Margaret Ellen (m. James Madison Smith, 1869, Dent Co., to Success, Texas Co.), George W. (bur. Cedar Grove Cem.), Thomas J. ( m. Martha Walker 1890, Dent Co.,to CA), Eliza (m. robert Wolliver, bur. Bowers Cem.), Bert "Byrd" left Dent Co.); wife later m. Thomas Tobin; English descent; lived N. of Salem
TINDELL, JAMES EUGENE , 8/31/1953 , St. Louis - 5/5/1976, St. Louis, s/o James M. (s/o Bessie Meadows) & Evelyn Tune Tindell; graduate Festus High 1972; Christian, member Manual Baptist, DeSoto; lived DeSoto; fiance of Beth Helms
TOBIN, POLLY ANN STRICTLIN, d. 1/30/1908; aged 65 yrs., d/o Julia "Jane" Ann Winchester (from TN, who d/ 6/15/1910, aged 108 yrs., bur pottersfield Cedar Grove Cem.), 1st m. James Strictlin, 4/21/1866, Dent Co., 2nd m. Thomas Tobin, sh.: John (bur. Cedar Grove Cem.); thomas Tobin m. Catherine Humphrey, 1877, Dent Co.
TOBIN, LAURA EVELINE, w/o William, nee Rictor, d/o Isaac & Martha Jane nee Hines (bur. Round Pond Cem.)
TOBIN, FLORA BERTHA, w/o John, 1893 - 10/14/1928, s/o Isaac & Martha Jane nee Hines Rictor (bur. Round Pond Cem.); m. William Chesley Luster (bur. Round Pond Cem.), 7 ch.: Ellen, willis (m. Harold Stagner), Pearl, Gladys (m. Dewey Plank, bur. Cedar Grove Cem.), Riley (to CA), Laura (Mrs. Sherrill Edwards)--Licking, Clarice Luster (CA); Flora m. John Tobin 1 dau. Mabel Shaw Weir; John also m. Effie May Mounce & Alma Rictor; John Tobin is bur. Cedar Grove Cem.
TRAIL, W. E.or F. 1/8/1854 - 8/19/1899; m. Sarah J. Johns, 1887, Dent Co.(by Rev. Benjamin L. Walker), ch.: Della (Mrs. Joseph M. Mounce)---bur. Stagner Cem., Ira (single), Bert (single, WW I, bur. Soldiers Home Cem., St. James
TRAIL, SARAH JANE, w/o W. E. 3/30/1859 - 4/2/1912, nee Johns, d/o Elijah & Elizabeth nee Craddock (bur. Old Johns Cem. on Dry Fork)
TUNE, JONATHAN m. Susan Cook, ch.: Samuel J., Elevenwood "Stuck" (bur. Round Pond Cem.)
TUNE, SAMUEL JAMES 10/4/1851, Maries Co. - 3/2/1940, home of son Robert, Dent Co., s/o Jonathan & Susan; m. Almeda Ridenhour, 2/13/1870, 10 ch.: Johnnie, Charles (m. Johnson, bur. Joplin), inf. son, Mary Jane (Mrs. Adolph Pidcock), Emma (Mrs. William R. Gibbs), Robert (m. Mary Redwine, bur. Cedar Grove Cem.), Lee Andrew (1/16/1890 - 8/25/1979, m Mary Alice Cooley, 1913, both bur. Arroya Grande Dist. Cem., CA), James Oscar Sr. (m. Maude Blackwell, bur. Cedar Grove Cem.), Otis Frank (7/11/1887 - 3/11/19--), m. Ida Victoria Plank, bur. Pleasant Valley Cem., Coalinga CA), Lewis (m. America Edgar, to Vinita OK);farmer, Knob View School Dist., NW of Salem near Spring Creek; cemetery located on his farm; converted 3 wks before death.
TUNE, FRANCES ALMEDA, w/o Samuel j. 12/5/1852, Phelps Co.. - 5/4/1939, nee Ridenhour; invalid since c1927
TUNE, INF, s/o Samuel J. & Almeda
TUNE, 2 INF. ch. of Lewis & America nee Edgar (parents moved to Vinita, OK)
TUNE, JOHN "JOHNNIE" JACOB 9/22/1872 - 7/13/1909, s/o Samuel & Almeda; m. Mary B. Fitzgerald, 1894, Dent Co. (by John W. Hobson, J.P.) 5 ch.: Everett C. Lillie, Margaret Heinemann, inf. son, inf. dau.
TUNE, MARY BELLE w/o Johnnie 9/24/1872, Maries Co. - 1/11/1943, St. Louis (home of Lillie Tune), d/o Farmion Fitzgerald
TUNE, Inf. s/o Johnnie & Mary B. TUNE, Inf. d/o Johnnie & Mary B.
TUNE, LILLIE MAE, 6/28/1898, Dent Co. - 1/3/1983, Salem, d/o Johnnie & Mary Belle; single; lived St. Louis several years, employee Bell Telephone
TUNE, EVERETT C. 5/4/1896 Dent Co. - 7/5/1956, St. Louis, s/o John & Mary B.; m. Tessie M. Hubbs of Dent Co., 6/7/1922, 10 ch.: Charles E/ (1/2/1925 - 5/24/1986, bur. Hermann Cem. - Hermann MO, Anna Poeschel 1947), Paul, Johnny, David, Lawrence, Harold, Loretta (m. Festus Hickman, m. Robert McCarter), Hilda (Mrs. Wayne Clinton), Evelyn (m. James M. Tindell), & Leona; lived Dent Co.
TUNE, TESSIE MYRTLE w/o Everett C. 12/29/1900, Dent Co. - 2/19/1993, Salem, d/o Francis Marion & Omie Priest Hubbs; Omie d. when Tessie was age 4 and she was reared by foster parents, Albert & Hilda Nelson
TUNE, LEONA, d/o Everett C. & Tessie 4/7/1933 - 10/22/1938 (diphtheria)
TUNE, JOHNNY P, 4/15/1936, Dent Co. - 5/8/1978, St. Louis, s/o Everett C. & Tessie; m. Carol Morton (d/o David & Marie Baum Morton), 8/29/1959, 3 ch.: Brian, Laura, Lisa; Pfc. U. S. Marine Corps. Korea & U. S. Army