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BLACK CEMETERY1/2 MILE INTO PHELPS CO. This was copied from "Ozark Heritage Dent County Missouri Area Cemeteries & Families" Vol III 1994 by Ken Fiebelman of Salem, MO. Reprinted with the permission of Ken Fiebelman on behalf of the Dent County Historical Society Submitted by Kathy Welch Heidel ![]() BLACK, SARAH ANN w/o William 8/12/1822, Green Co TN - 12/6/1904, Craddock MO, nee Hurley, d/o Joe & wife both bur. Mohawk TN BLACK, JAMES CARROLL 7/3/1846 -12/21/1919, s/o Wm. T. & Sarah A., m. Martha Jane Craddock; 1/14/1869, 12 ch.: James Carol, Silas C., Thomas E., William D., John Wiley (m. Sarah "Sally" C. Kitchen bur. Kitchen Cem.), Arthur Zachariah (b. 5/7/1886, m. Grace Long, lived Lebanon, d. AZ), Mary Catherine (10/26/1870 - 1/8/1959, m. Joe H. Mace), Lewis Bland (b.8/9/1894, m. Alice Marlow, to Commerce OK), Ida Cora (m. Robert Coonard Kitchen, bur. Anutt Cem.), Ruthie Jane (m. Brent Heironimus, bur. Mt. Herman Cem.) Sarah A. & Rutherford; J. C. 2nd m. Dora Hume 3/25/1909 BLACK, MARTHA JANE w/o J. C. 12/13/1848 - 3/13/1907, nee Craddock BLACK, SARAH A. d/o J. C. & M. J. 6/19/1876 - 9/17/1877 BLACK, RUTHERFORD H. s/o J. C. & M. J. 6/19/1876 - 8/18/1878 BLACK, SILAS COLUMBUS s/o J. C. & M. J. 10/23/1880, Phelps Co - 3/25/1937, Longmont CO; at age 21 joined Enon Baptist, Lenox BLACK, Inf. s/o Bob & Pearl nee Johnson 2/13/1919 (parents bur. North Lawn Cem.) BLACK, WILLIAM "BILLY" T. JR. 7/11/1860 - 1/31/1929, w/o Wm. T. & Sarah A., m. Anna L. Johnson, 11/12/1882, 8 ch.: 7 died young & Beulah Lee (12/13/1901 - 4/28/1977, m. Samuel W. Cox, lived St. James, bur. Odd Fellows Cem.-Sullivan, 2 ch.: Virginia Harmon & William Thomas Cox); foster father of Charles Edward Black; W. T. m.Tishabell Williams, 10/28/1928 BLACK, ANNA LEE w/o W. T. 3/5/1863 - 5/1/1926 nee Johnson BLACK, Infant d/o W, T, & A. L. 8/8/1883 BLACK, ARTHUR C. s/o W. T. & A. L. 7/30/1886 - 5/21/1887 BLACK, ALICE d/o W. T. & A. L. 11/24/1884 - 9/25/1899 BLACK, WILLIAM L. s/o W. T. & A. L. 5/8/1888 - 6/23/1890 BLACK, ZACHARIAH C. s/o W. T. & A. L. 7/25/1891 - 9/9/1892 BLACK, JULIA A. d/o W. T.& A. L. 5/11/1895 - 4/11/1909 BLACK, MARY C. R. d/o W. T. & A. L. 10/5/1903 - 12/2/1904 BLACK, THOMAS "TOM" EVERETT 4/13/1879 - 1/12/1941, home near Craddock MO, s/o J. C. & Martha; m. Odelia B. Johnson, ch.: Wilburn, Eula E. (Mrs. Wm. H. Williams) --bur. Mt. Herman Cem., Logan; converted yrs ago, at Black Oak, Enon Baptist BLACK, ODELIA "DELIA" B. w/o T. E. nee Johnson 4/9/1881, Beulah, MO - 5/13/1968, Rolla; lived Edgar Springs area most of life; Baptist BLACK, WILBERN S. 11/23/1900, Craddock - 9/4/1976, Rolla, s/o Tom & Delia; m. Katie Sudheimer, 9/23/1927, ch.; William Silas "Junior" (m. Millie Totman Bowers) & Logan (m. Rosalie Pruett); lived Edgar Springs BLACK, CATHERINE "KATIE" w/o wilburn 4/15/1907 - 10/6/1987, Salem, nee Sudheiner; sis to Bob & George Sudheimer, Ina Craig BLACK, WILLIAM "WILLIE" DANIEL 1869 - 9/4/1942 near Lenox after being thrown from a hay wagon, s/o James C. & Martha, m.Ruth Twilley of Piggot AR, 8/24/1889, dh.: Joseph C. & Harrison (both bur. Roseberry Cem.), Silas, Sarah Tucker, Etha (m. Bernice Mitchell), Mary A. L. (m. Earl Parks & Ellis), Laura (m. Wilfred Mace), Pearl Johnson Hill (d. young) BLACK, RUTH w/o W. D. 9/10/1873 - 3/8/1955 St. Louis; nee Twilley, d/o Joseph & Martha BLACK, Inf. 1/14/1893 BLACK, LILLIE 2/12/1904 - 1/30/1911 BLACK, JAMES CARROLL JR. 9/8/1874 - 6/28/1955, s/o James Carol & Martha nee Craddock; m. Eva L. McKinney, 9/23/1897, ch.: Orville (bur. Mt. Herman Cem.), Wiley, Cora (m. Archie Eaves); entire life lived on homeplace near Lenox BLACK, EVA LENA w/o J. C. 12/19/1880. Somerset KY - 12/13/1961, Lenox; nee McKinney, d/o Daniel & Sally nee Ping. BLACK, WILEY SHERMAN s/o James C. & Eva; m. Vernita Dooley, 6/25/1923, 3 ch.: James, Delois (m. Clarence Johns), & Lela (m. Delmar Harris); lived most of life Lenox, farmer & carpenter BLACK, MARY VERNITA w/o Wiley 7/7/1907, Dent Co. - 1/5/1984, Lenox, d/o Phillip & Ora Turner Dooley (bur. Kissock Cem.); Pentecostal faith BLACK, JAMES D. 9/23/1939 - 7/31/1967, s/o Wiley S. & Mary V.; m. Bonnie (J. D. & son, Dugles, drowned in Dallas, TX, lived St. Louis BLACK, DUGLES W. s/o J. D. 3/11/1961 - 7/1/1967 BLACK, LUTHER E. 7/4/1879, Dent Co. - 3/27/1957, s/o Joseph & Margaret nee Craddock, never married; lived most of life Lenox BLACK, MILLIE J. 1/6/1931 - 7 BLACK, SARAH ANN E. w/o Clark ( he later moved to TX) 4/27/1834 -9/21/1877, nee Fudge, m. 1854. Dent Co., ch.: Emaline (b. 1858), M. A. (female b. 1859), John L. , James C., W. C., J. D. (male), Nancy (b.1872), George (b.1875); Clark 2m. Retta Dooley (b. 1857), 1870, Dent Co., ch.: Clark & Clara BLACK, JOHN LEWIS s/o C. & S. A.; d.7/9/1864, age 9 yrs BLACK, JAMES CHRISTOPHER s/o C. & S. A.; d. 11/3/1867, 3 yrs, 2 mos, 21 das. BLACK, W. L. s/o C. & S. A. 7/18/1871 - 9/22/1871 BLAKE, ELIZABETH 5/9/1842 - 1/20/1911 BLAKE, DAVID NEWTON "NUTE" 5/21/1883 on Billie Black farm - 10/11/1940. Bro. to Allen, Ellen Asher Plank (lived entire life around Lenox) CASE, Infant CAVINESS, wife of Willard; d. 5/1949 CRADDOCK, WILEY A. 2/25/1886 - 6/16/1977, s/o William & Stacey; m. Martha A. Mace, ch.: Annie Edgar, Wilma Phelps CRADDOCK, MARTHA E. w/o Wiley A. 4/4/1889, Edgar Springs - 10/9/1985, Rolla, d/o George A. & Anna Dean Mace; member Evening Shade Church of Christ CROW, RICHARD Y. s/o Otto & Mary nee Coppedge (bur. Sample Cem.) b.1/15/1863, IL - d. 7/6/1952, Salem; m. L. C. Williams, 1895; m. Stella Johnson, 1920 (d. 1951); father of Ewing & Mary Crow; brother to Bob, Augusta (Mrs. W. D. Kitchen); converted age 20, joined Assembly of God, Flat MO ?CROW, DAVID (UNCLE DAVE), d. 4/1911 Lenox area DAVIDSON, infant s/o E. R. & D. M. 1/5/1914 DENISON, WILLIAM C. 1877 - 1922, m.Cynthia A. Craddock, ch.: Inf., Mildred, Nellie Lamar DENISON, CYNTHIA ANN w/o W. C., nee Craddock, d/o Wm. & Stacey 7/14/1882 - 3/5/1959; member of Church of Christ DENISON, Infant d/o W.C. & C.A. 7/24/1902 DENISON, MILDRED F. d/o W.C. & C.A. 3/2/1916 - 3/17/1918 GRESHAM, CLAUDE W. 7/1/1894 - 9/27/1921 Pvt. 2 Co 164 Brigade WW I MO: ?s/o John & Betsy GRESHAM, MINIE M. d/o J.W. & L.J. 2/23/1882 - 2/5/1883 HILL, PEARL D. 3/29/1891 - 1/22/1947, d/o William D. & Ruth Twilley Black HUMES, ARTHUR SAMUEL 3/5/1901, Miller Co. - 1/22/1970, home near Lenox, w.o Thomas Edwin & Dera (Howard); uncle of Marilyn Otto & Ellen Hacker; teacher sev. yrs. JOHNS, HAROLD LYNN 2/15/1954 - 9/24/1973, auromobile accident, 6 miles S. of Edgar Springs, s/o Clarence (s/o Lillie Johns Fox nee Flanders) & Deloris nee Black MACE, GEORGE ANDREW 7/27/1861 - 5/27/1942, s/o Wm. & Margaret J. nee Kitchen, m. Anna L. Dean, 14 ch.:Richard, Anthony H. (1/2/1900 - 1/17/1990, bur. West Side Dest. Cem. -Taft CA, m. Berta) Taylor W. (d. 1/25/1980, Rolla, bur. Ozark Mem. Gardens, m. Margaret J. Kirk), Emma (Mrs. Carroll Roberts), Martha (Mrs. Wiley Craddock), Rebecca Smith, Janie Edgar & 5 who died in infancy MACE, ANNIE LAURA w/o George 11/24/1866 near Edgar Springs - 5/3/1959, Edgar Springs, d/o Christopher & Rebecca Dean; half -sis to Lacy Dean & Ruth Fisher; member of Church of Christ MACE, WILLIAM F 2/26/1888 - 8/3/1888 MACE, Infants - 4 children of George & Annie MACE, CLYDE W. s/o J. A. & Beatrice 5/11/1919 - 2/26/1921 MACE, MACK E. 11/23/1938 - 1/12/1939 MACE, WANDA D. 12/14/1920 - 2/28/1921 MACE, WILLIAM 2/12/1837 TN - 7/20/1881, s/o Henry & Eleanor Black Mace --- Eleanor was sis to Joseph Black, father of Wm. T. Black; m. Margaret Jane Kitchen (d/o George P. & Elizabeth Adams Kitchen), 1/7/1858, 7 ch.: George A., Elizabeth F.(12/4/1858 - 7/12/1948 bur. Mitchell Cem., m. William Henry Baker). Mare E. (m. James Fore), Martha "Mattie" S. (m. Lem Campbell), Joseph Elias (m. Annie Hanrahan), Cynthia (m. Wm. Henry Heavin), ---all bur. Anutt Cem., & William Henry (6/14/1870, Phelps Co. - 9/1960 Roll, bur. Mitchell Cem. near Edgar Springs, m. Eliza Jane Karnes); Margaret J. later n. Samuel A. Harrison, both bur. Anutt Cem.) MITCHELL, MAHALA 2/22/1829 - 9/3/1900 MITCHELL, Infant MANNING, GEORGE PHELPS, WALTER C. 3/12/1915 - 8/30/1976, Rolla, s/o - Cora; m. Wilma, ch.: Jack Phelps & Wanda Melton; Pvt. US Army WWII; farmer, member Edgar Springs Lions Club, RIII School Board; Baptist ROBERTS, WILLIAM RILEY 6/24/1857. OM - 7/6/1939, m. Louvina E. Black, 7/21/1878, 4 ch.: Johnnie W. 8/21/1879 - 11/7/1970, Miami, OK, m. Bessie Jack), J. Carrol, Andrew, & Sarah; Bro. to Mathie Roseberry; lived near Maples, Dent Co. nost of life; member Baptist Church ROBERTS, LOUVINA ELIZABETH w/o W. R. 4/18/1850, 5 miles SE of edgar Springs, Phelps Co. - 3/24/1919, home, 2 1/2 miles NE of Maples, Dent Co., d/o William & Sarah Ann Hurley Black ROBERTS, ANDREW J. R. 3/5/1885 - 11/26/1920, s/o W. R. & Louvina E. nee Black ROBERTS, SARAH ANN 12/4/1887 - 3/19/1923, d/o W. R. & Louvina E. nee Black ROBERTS, J. CARROLL 6/24/1881 - 5/2/1966, s/o W. R. & Louvina, m. emma Mace, Ch.: inf. son & dau., William G., Elba Steward, Annie Grieve, Velma Wofford, Richard (1921 - 1960) ROBERTS, EMMA M. w/o J. C. 7/21/1885 - 5/26/1966, nee Mace, d/o George & Annie nee Dean ROBERTS, Infant s/o Carroll & Emma 1913 ROBERTS, Infant d/o Carroll & Emma 1924 ROBERTS, WILLIAM "WILLIE" GEORGE 1/20/1914, Maples - 9/28/1989, s/o Carroll & Emma; single; lived Licking; army WW II; member Rock Springs Baptist ![]() |
Dent County Coordinator: Mel Owings Updated On Sunday, 12-Aug-2018 21:36:13 MDT © 2024 by: Dent County, MO. MOGenWeb Coordinator |